Year Album
App (IOS/ ANDROID) is not supported from September 8, 2022. Please use Windows version.

Compile a Year Album from large number of photos in minutes.
Sizes: A4 & A5
System Requirement:
- Windows
- The latest version of Windows 10
* Operation is not guaranteed for tablet PC (Windows RT etc). - CPU: Core2 Duo 2.4GHz or more
- The latest version of the Microsoft Edge browser
- Memory: more than 4GB
- Free space on HDD: more than 10GB
- Screen resolution: 1024 x 768 to 1600 x 1200
New Features of Upgraded Version
Newly-added themes of “Travel” and “Wedding”
- Customized setting for your Year Album (Photo Nos. / Portrait Ratio)
More new stamps (over 400 hand-painting style stamps for selection)
More selection for cover and inside pages
Free to add / delete pages between 16-48 pages
Skip the “Period Setting” during import of photo
Select to “Use All Photos” imported (valid when no. of photos is less than that can be placed.)
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